Good morning harrit
You can add values for it in your template css. If the template is writeable, this can be done right from the adminstration: \"Extensions\" -> \"Template Manager\" -> \"your template\" -> \"Edit CSS\" (top right). But in many cases the template will not be writable. Then you find these files in \"/path-to-your-joomla/templates/templatename/css/*.css\" (usually template.css) to edit them manually.
Somewhere at the end of that file you add styles for these menu items, e.g.:
div.contentsubheading {
where \"margin\" is the distance from the menu item border to the next item and \"padding\" would be the distance from the text inside the menu item to the border of it. Of course you can add background and text color and borders in the usual way, e.g.:
div.contentsubheading {
border:#660000 1px solid;
The component also supports Joomlas \"Page Class Suffix\" feature. That means if you added a value lets say \"_myclass\" for it while adding it as menu item in \"Parameters (System)\", you can write special CSS for it by adding this suffix to the definition in the CSS file:
div.contentsubheading_myclass { ... }
I hope this helps to make the frontend menu a bit more stylish
<img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\"
\" title=\"Smile\" />