xmlrpc is more or less the heart of jOpenSim since it lets it communicate with OpenSimulator.
As you might know, jOpenSim comes with its own xmlrpc class (originally from Edd Dumbill) but is quite "outdated" ... I adopted it in time a little, but the base is from 2002 (!). The reason for it that time was, that at birth of jOpenSim still a lot of php4 was arround which had no reliable xmlrpc implementation.
Even now with php7 (currently I develop with 7.2.5) the xmlrpc extension is not enabled by default.
Facing Joomla4, either this class would need a complete rewrite or I change jOpenSim to require the php7 xmlrpc extension to be enabled. Modifying the existing class is imho more work than creating a new one.
Does anyone know an up2date xmlrpc class that does NOT rely on the php extension? Or should jOpenSim raise its requirements to it?
Not really ... that's a different approach from C# side. I'ld rather keep the xmlrpc on the C# module sides, but handle these requests on php side different.
I found the pecl solution already, but this would require too much specific environment from user side ... and I would like to avoid this
I also found some library alternatives (unfortunately most totally outdated), but not those in your 2nd link. Thanks for this hint, I'll check this asap